Brix is a very special intuitive and empathic horse. A former ranch horse that we rescued from slaughter, Brix has demonstrated a sincerity, gratitude, and kindness. In a most remarkable act of compassion. He is a Red Bucket permanent resident.
Facebook Welcome:
Sometimes numbers mean a lot. In his 15 years, he has most likely never had a proper grooming (you know….rubber currycomb, 3 brushes, hoof pick…a little elbow grease…a lot of TLC), or a mutually loving and respectful relationship with a human being. He was on his way into a killer pen when a rescue colleague temporarily circumvented the road to slaughter and called us to help him. As always, we are astonished and deeply saddened when a sound, very sweet and highly trained horse is disposed of so easily…for payment by the pound. Those of us who tuck our horses in at night (or dream of doing so) with an extra hug, loving pat…maybe a little extra hay, or a treat, cannot comprehend the unloved horse. Heartbreaking. Last night, Brix was groomed…a little extra elbow grease to start to loosen years of neglect, a strong smattering of TLC…which he seemed a little numb to, but will become his new reality, and a handful of carrots which are foreign, but will be grated for him and mixed into his feed until he discovers their sweet and satisfying reward. Our experience reassures us in that he will soon nicker for us, anticipate being groomed..and nurtured, and will gobble up carrots and other treats along with kind words and praise. His number means something to us…he is our 187th horse saved…he has a name, a bucket, and a promise. His promise is that there will be one more number…and that will be celebrated as an adoption number on the day that Brix goes home…forever. Welcome Brix.
Facebook Update:
We love horses. In saving them, we lovingly care for them…provide a safe home, enrichment by way of toys, group turn outs and individual attention. Lately we are taking note of the tender way that they take care of one another. Finbar dotes on his donkey Mr. Rogers, Paidraig has taught Kolcheck how to play soccer, Winni has taken over the daily supervision and “training” of feral Ranger…teaching him that people are to be trusted, and 30 year old Jack attends to our disabled Baby Joey (or, it is entirely possible that Joey has given Jack a reason to live again). Today it is the tender and protective kindness of Brix that captures our hearts. Little Chewy was rescued from slaughter by our friend Liz. His mother was sold separately, and Liz who couldn’t turn her back on Chewy paid the $35 dollars saving him from perhaps the most horrible fate. When our attempts to find a small friend for the tiny and adorable Chewy failed, Brix stepped up as surrogate parent, best friend, and protector. Brix gently plays with Chewy…even allowing Chewy to always win their frequent games of chase. Brix who we rescued last summer from a kill auction has demonstrated unimaginable kindness, compassion and tolerance. When Chewy, looking for a bit more nurturing, steps up to nurse, our 25 year old gelding Brix gives him the tenderness that he craves….along with a gentle hug.