Winni’s mother had been abused every day of her life. She came to us pregnant with Winni. Despite her mothers abuse, Winni was born on the ranch as a healthy foal. She has been embraced by the Red Bucket family. She is beautiful, confident and perfect. She started under saddle training summer 2017.
Facebook Welcome:
Meet our precious Winni. From the darkness of last night and our tearful goodbyes for Haze came the miracle of life and hope.While it is with certainty that we will state that the horses in the shed row barn behind the little red house appeared to be somberly grieving their friend Haze, it is equally true that they turned oddly present as Nahla’s baby girl entered the world not only with great anticipation, but very much wanted. Both Hobby and Spice nickered lightly as Nalah tenderly nosed, nuzzled and dried her new filly. The night was not without incident, it seems strangely fitting that the previous owner of our special ranch, our dear friend Nancy Dixon was roused out of her sleep to offer years of advice when our baby struggled to nurse. We are at a loss for words to thank Dr. Nancy Collins for returning to Red Bucket after a long and emotional night to help us ensure that Nalah’s baby would not only survive, but would thrive. Our new baby is named lovingly after Dr. Jenn Winnick who always delivers the Gold Standard in everything that she does, and was with us in spirit when we delivered little Winni. Jenn never treated a rescue horse like a second class citizen…the name for us symbolizes the life…the grace…and the opportunity that we will provide for this tender new foal. While we elected not to continue forward with the Lion King theme, oddly it is Nalah who chose to honor the theme of completing the circle of life on March 5, 2013. Welcome little Winni, you are a wanted horse.
Facebook Update: Happy Birthday Winni
As we prepare for the arrival of our three new little foals to be born, 3 little new lives that we are grateful to save, we are pausing to celebrate our little Winni’s first birthday. Winni’s mother, Nalah had been abused every day of her life. She came to us frightened and frightfully malnourished. Little Winni, who will never know what her mother knew…and will never know what almost was, is living a blissful life. She received the tenderest of care and gentle training to prepare her for a meaningful and safe life. She spends her days in pasture with her best little bff, no surprise to any of us demonstrates leadership, confidence, and happiness. We celebrate our little Princess Winni, and are reminded of the impact of our meaningful work. Happy birthday, precious little girl…and many more to come!!! Winni’s mother Nalah, is enjoying well deserved time in pasture, she too now has a blissful life!