Grooming away the layers

We continue to be deeply touched by the reciprocal nature of the horse, and how tenderly they can care for one another. While we have slowly begun the daunting task of desensitizing our feral mothers-to-be and ever so patiently started to lay the subterranean foundation of trust, it has not been quick enough to curry away the itchy rain rot and clumps of hair that cling to Marlee and Darla. While the girls display normal herd behavior, and the issue of dominance between them is clear, what is also clear is the tender way that they nurture each other. While man has laid a heavy hand that has transmitted a cruelty and life threatening message, and the mares carry the resulting scars and baggage, they do not allow it to impact their innate kindness and generosity that they willingly share. As the mothers-to-be await their foals, they gently groom away the layers of of a former life, and kindly take care of each other’s needs in the intuitive and thoughtful act of mutual grooming.