Red Bucket Equine Rescue- 100th Forever Home Found!

When we started Red Bucket we had a small inkling of the impact that we would have in the lives of the horses that we saved. Certainly, Liam is no exception as he had been both abused and starved beyond anything resembling a healthy horse. Today, he is bursting with health, his coat gleams, his formerly gaunt and emaciated frame has been transformed to that of a well muscled “sports model”, and both of his charming mis-matched eyes tracks his 13 year old girl Dalilah’s every move. He has been successfully rehabilitated, and has taken to his training like a duck to water….as if he wants to make up for all of that lost time, trying with all of his might to learn as much as he can, and in return partner with his very own girl in creating an unstoppable, and inseparable team! While in the back corners of the cross ties, we high five the new beginning and second chance that we have been able to give to Liam, at the end of this rainbow it is Dalilah’s life that will forever be impacted and her childhood redefined by a charming little Quarter Horse who watches her every step….and carefully watches his own when ever his girl is on board. Congratulations to Liam And Dalilah, and congratulations to the entire Red Bucket Team of volunteers and donors who have made this milestone possible! Happy 100th Forever Home!