December 2014 Horse Highlight: Frankie

Frankie is a delightful, happy and well-adjusted horse. He deserves the chance to finally
be doted on by a loving family of his own after spending the majority of his life happily
serving humans as a reliable lesson horse at multiple riding facilities.

Frankie’s life began as a wild Mustang roaming the vast plains where he was eventually
rounded up and later trained as an arena horse. He has a great personality, is a super solid
citizen, and is very reliable under saddle. He spent time as a lesson horse, but when the
lesson program ended, Frankie’s safety and fate was in question.

One of the stable workers had grown fond of Frankie, and upon hearing this news,
decided to use his own money to purchase Frankie in order to keep him safe. This was an
act of selflessness, as his goal was to find Frankie a home where he could have a family
of his own. An adopter of a Red Bucket horse heard of Frankie’s plight and connected
Frankie’s new hero with Red Bucket. In keeping with the phrase, it’s a small world, one of
Red Bucket’s team members actually used to ride Frankie herself and knew him

Frankie is a 20-year-old beautiful chestnut mustang gelding with a big white blaze on his
adorable face. He is ready to be doted on and loved, and is waiting for just the right
person to come along! He is willing and able to do whatever is asked of him. He has a
calm demeanor and no vices. Mustangs are known to make fantastic one-person horses,
but at the same time, Frankie would make an amazing family horse too! What he
deserves most in his life now is to find his forever loving home, where he will be
cherished and cared for. He deserves the same benevolence and kindness he has shown
throughout his many years of service as a lesson horse. Frankie, the horse who was
passed around from stable to stable, owner to owner, never having a real home or that
one, true owner to love him, will have the life he so richly deserves. He now has the
chance to have a truly loving home, and an owner who adores him and treats him with the
respect he has earned.

Written by:
Johanna Downs