Good-Bye Parker

While the world continues to rotate, our hearts have stopped, at least for a little while. This morning we said a very heartbreaking farewell to our special buddy, Parker. Parker came home from the hospital on Tuesday under guarded prognosis. Yesterday he had a marvelous turnout in the East Paddock with his “entourage”, and was peaceful during bed checks at 10:00 pm. Parker seemed very relieved to be home amongst his family and friends, and we are grateful to have been able (thanks to a generous donation) to give him the best possible opportunity for recovery….and one last loving moment, a gentle grooming, and a final kiss on his benevolent brow. Parker, the consummate gentle horse and gentleman, was rushed back to the hospital this morning. The Red Bucket Team team is devastated to lose such a marvelous horse, and we are grateful to have both saved and served him. Parker is survived by his family of Red Riding Hoods, 138 fellow residents, and his two very own, slightly used donkeys, Juble and Blossom. As is our custom, Parker will be celebrated, grieved, and toasted at his stall on Saturday, September 6th at 5:00 pm. All of his family and friends are welcome.