Isabella Update

Isabella in September of 2012.




When the Animal Control Officer found them she cried. She cried again when she learned that Red Bucket took them, saved them, and that they had survived.They had been starved beyond what most people can even fathom. Gaunt, skeletal and helpless…they came to us with a body condition score of one. Even in the agony of their starvation, they were elegant, sharing their food and treating each other kindly. Jess who was a bit older and in a little better shape acted as protector and nurturer…giving her own food to Isabella. Separating them was out of the question, they had survived near death together…they deserved to have the comfort of their friendship (a bond so dear) during their transformation to health. They both demonstrated the gratitude that we see in rescued horses, and they slowly began to thrive, their coats became rich, the harsh angular skeletal structure softened, their dull vacant eyes transitioned slowly to alert….later to alive. Three hundred plus pounds later, we moved them to pasture to allow them to enjoy being horses. Later this year we will bring them back to the ranch that the horses own for training. Today, they are enjoying the carefree life of pasture living….and a little TLC from fellow Red Riding Hood, Brianna. A special thanks to Melvin and Allison Reynolds and Cody….it takes a whole community to make our work possible.