Play Boy is going off to school

He was roped, choked down, brutally castrated, branded…..and then tied behind a tractor to “teach” him to lead. His owners, in a final callous act of betrayal then sent him to slaughter. His summer at Red Bucket was devoted to touch. For very a good reason, he resisted it…and was understandably terrified of having having his head or throat latch handled. His summer was spent with his two new bff’s….the wonderful Wyatt, and an equally wonderful (and patient) Lauren. He shyly, and with initial guarded reservation, discovered the joyful sensation of a withers scratch, the intimacy of grooming, and the tenderness of touch. He delighted us daily with the intelligent unveiling of of the exploration of his new life, and perhaps…a new love. He became eager to work…eager to learn…and eager to please. Friday he politely followed Lauren onto the trailer…and into his next chapter of a meaningful life. In a few hours, will arrive at college with the pretty little friend who taught him to trust where Play Boy will continue to learn, grow and develop. Lauren will finish what she started this summer, to “teach” Play Boy that he is safe, loved and valued. We wish both our co-ed’s a happy semester, until Lauren returns for her internship, and Play Boy returns to a special little red ranch that the horses own.