May 2014 Adoption Celebration: Valentine

In an effort to ensure that our horses are adopted into forever homes, Red Bucket Equine Rescue takes the time to learn about what potential adopters are searching for. Considering the various backgrounds that our horses and donkeys have, sometimes the process is quick, and sometimes it can take time. We are never going to try and fit a square peg into a round hole.
Anyone who has adopted an animal can attest to the patience and persistence that may be required to welcome a new member into the family. For Amber Coleman, 7 months of searching for the right horse had led her to Red Bucket Equine Rescue. Even though it took another 4-5 months to find Valentine, Amber was comforted by Red Bucket because she was never pressured for a decision. Conversely, Red Bucket was dedicated to finding the right horse for Amber.
According to Amber, “Susan was patient. I am tall so I needed a taller horse. I probably met about 10 other horses, and then Valentine was brought in from pasture. Red Bucket was comforting. They want you to know the horse at its best and worst. Other places wanted a decision then and there. I don’t think you can ask more from a rescue. They want what is best for the horses. I will be honest; Red Bucket should be mirrored by others.” So after many months of searching, Amber was able to take Valentine, an Irish Thoroughbred with a heart shaped star, to her forever home in December of 2013.
Having been the victim of a breeding scandal, Valentine and 42 (yes, 42!) other horses were rescued from slaughter and starvation because of Red Bucket. Like many mares, Valentine is a pleaser who is rational, intelligent, and very well bred. According to Amber, who grew up with horses and has ridden hunters since she was nine, Valentine is not afraid of jumps, but she is curious, a trait that accurately describes Valentine. She has always been a sweetheart, very welcoming to kids, calling for carrots, searching pockets for treats, and showing affection for her friends.
We understand that being a forever home for one of our horses is a big responsibility. We also take the process of matching a horse with a forever home seriously. When Valentine found her forever home with Amber, it was soon apparent that there had been success. When talking with her, Amber had made some casual comments that were heartwarming and telling. She had mentioned that Valentine did well in the transition to her forever home because she “knows that it is home.” Amber says that Valentine runs when being turned out and that you can tell she has racehorse in her blood. In fact, people don’t believe that she is a rescue because of how beautiful she is. In perhaps the most simple way of letting Red Bucket know that there was success, Amber says that Valentine is “now loved very much.”