June 2013 Horse Highlight: Styles

Character is defined as the many traits and features that form an individual’s nature. “Styles has the most pleasant, calm and kind demeanor of any horse I have ever met,” says Susan Peirce, President of the Red Bucket Equine Rescue. “All I can say is that without exception, he is easily the most grateful horse I have ever had the pleasure to know; he is a horse of exceptional character.”


Styles found his way to Red Bucket after being abandoned at a kid’s camp in the Malibu Canyon. The camp moved and took the “good” horses with them, and they left the others to die without food or water and with no care or concern for horses that had loved and supported children for many years.


Styles, Jack, Cheyenne, McGraw and Ledger were all left behind without a morsel of food, or a drop of water! Why would someone do that? The answer was because they were “older” and considered “useless” horses. When the group of five was discovered 3 ½ weeks after being abandoned without proper care or feeding, it became painfully obvious that not a hoof had been lifted to be cleaned, nor had anyone taken a brush to their mangled coats in several months. The entire group of horses was in disgraceful condition. As the older horses at the camp, they had been carelessly discarded and left to be scavenged by time, starvation, dehydration or predators. When Red Bucket volunteers first arrived at the camp to complete the rescue, they were horrified to see the awful condition of these horses. Showing predominate ribs and necrotic feet, this 20 year old plus band of horses was saved in the nick of time! They have given back to the volunteers and leadership members, who work with them on a daily basis at Red Bucket, what we humans consider to be genuine love and a grateful attitude.


Styles has become quite a celebrity at the Ranch! He has given many of the volunteers the chance to learn from him. He and rescue mate Jack are the hands-­‐on horses for all new Red Bucket Volunteers when learning about being a part of the Curry Comb Club. He is usually the first horse volunteers have the opportunity to groom when taking classes for participation in the Curry Club. Styles is loved by all who have the pleasure to meet and work with him. He enjoys the daily interaction, intimate connection and warmth he receives at Red Bucket, and he basks in the attention! Styles is patient, kind and very understanding.


Recently, Red Bucket was affected and deeply saddened by losing a wonderful horse named Brimer. He and Styles were paddock buddies and also the very best of friends.


Brimer was sick with colic, and after he was administered banamine to be more comfortable while waiting for the vet, he laid down. Styles seemed to sense his friend’s discomfort and pain, and he laid down as well, remaining right by his best friend. Styles never got up and looked for water or food. Not only are our horses cared for by Red Bucket Riding Hoods, but they are loved by one another. Styles was focused on being there and helping his friend in his last hours. Red Bucket is happy to report that Styles may possibly be adopted-­‐out to his forever home! “He certainly deserves to have his own family, and someone to love and care about him forever,” says Susan Peirce. The potential adopter realizes and understands that he is an older horse, but she truly loves him and is captivated by his amazing wisdom and character. A horse like Styles is a once in a lifetime gift. Red Bucket feels fortunate and blessed to have rescued and been given the chance to know and love such a grateful horse of outstanding character. Story Written by: Johanna Downs June 2013 Red Bucket Newsletter