Red Bucket Equine Rescue Forever Home Found #160 – Lady Bug

She had been beaten senseless and forced into a tiny pony trailer, her forehead sliced from year to ear. Of course there was no medical treatment, no kind word, no reassurance…and to add insult to injury, they took her baby. A Red Bucket Facebook friend – and perhaps Guardian Angel of sorts – Liz, was in the right place at the very wrong time and observed the terrified mare being abused. Unable to turn her back and powerless to make the abuser stop….and knowing that it would only occur again and again and again, Liz bought the horse….and called Red Bucket.

While beautiful, the mare’s eye was wary and defensive. Although she would suspiciously take our carrots, trying to load her into the trailer had the same impending threat as playing with a loaded gun. We returned the following day with more carrots, more time, and an abundance of empathy and patience. In the end, it was her decision to load, and she took each step with the deliberation of one who could finally choose her own path. The 75-minute trip was quiet, and in spite of dark and cloudy skies when Lady Bug unloaded she sighed audibly, and went into a airy and freshly bedded stall….and laid down for the first time in what must have seemed like an eternity. She awoke with an absence of baggage, a soft and grateful eye, and a warm enthusiasm for her new life. It seemed as if our Lady Bug had already lost so very much that she did not want to waste any time. In her healing journey, she met her forever match…a friend, protector and partner in her new venture…life. Diana seems to think that Lady Bug is similar to herself…she will list a few adjectives in support of her statement. We suspect there is more to their special connection, and know that together both Diana and Lady Bug are safe. Congratulations to our dear friend and her stunningly beautiful Lady Bug!