Red Bucket Equine Rescue #327-Starlight

It is hard to fathom a business model that intentionally pasture breeds horses and then, with the same intention, takes them to an auction that sells the pregnant horses by the pound, destined for Mexican or Canadian slaughter plants. These poor mares are most often feral, abused, frightened, and predestined for a brutal and inhumane end. The little Quarter Horse is barely more than a baby herself, and while she is exhausted and very frightened, she has a kindness that is buried just below the surface. Nadia named her Starlight, and we are devoting the next few weeks to building trust and helping her feel safe before her baby arrives. She seemed to make friends immediately with her new neighbors Dalton and Robin, relaxing as she stretched her legs and surveyed her roomy paddock and soft bedding. Starlight was in need of re-rescuing, as the original rescue that took her in felt that they could not care for a feral pregnant mare. Many sincere thanks to our friend Marlene Dodge for going out of her way to bring Starlight to the safety of Red Bucket. We welcome Starlight and her new baby!