April 2014 Adoption Celebration: Windy

When miners left Oatman, Arizona, they no longer needed the donkeys they worked with and set them loose in the nearby mountains. As the years passed, the “wild” population of donkeys continued to grow and became a part of the tourist attraction to the ghost town. They walk freely among vehicles, businesses, and the public, being drawn in by whatever food people are willing to share. Occasionally, some donkeys are gathered and sold as part of the Bureau of Land Management program. Being an older donkey, Windy was put up for sale to whomever was willing to pay $10. That’s when Red Bucket stepped in and acquired Windy and five of her companions.
While the other donkeys were wild, Windy had been domesticated after years of relying on humans for food. She was extremely instrumental in socializing the small herd with her kind, sweet, and loving disposition. Windy trusted the volunteers from Red Bucket and was evaluated during her time at Red Bucket “Charm Farm” (yes, even our donkeys go through Charm Farm). When Red Bucket received Windy from the BLM, we had made the commitment to provide her with a safe environment, confident that we could match her with a forever home.
Kate Roth, who has a ranch near Lake Elsinore, had known about Red Bucket over the years, having a mutual Veterinarian. On Kate’s ranch is an older horse named Helios, whose companion is a donkey named Curly. Her Veterinarian was concerned about Curly if she was to lose Helios. Knowing from prior experience about the reaction of her animals to losing a companion, Kate contacted Red Bucket and was soon matched with Windy. In her own words, Kate said: “Red Bucket did a wonderful job prior to adoption for Windy to accept love and care from humans. Red Bucket has so much compassion for animals, and they can sense the safe haven. Once Red Bucket approves, they do a great job of matching because they do their homework. They do so much to take animals out of harms way so they can continue life in a safe environment.”
Windy is a sweet donkey with an old soul and very soft lips. She has a wonderful personality and sings when there are visitors or the potential for treats. Windy is an older animal, having had at least 9 foals, but it didn’t bother Kate. Kate was not hesitant to adopt an older animal because of the intelligence that comes with age. She chose to adopt another donkey because of their sweet personalities, adding: “People need to give them a chance. They are quirky, cute, fun, and great companions to a farm and horses. Once donkeys trust, they are loyal. People need to check out the pleasure of having a donkey. I think they will really enjoy it.”
Windy and Curly got along like old friends, and her presence at Kate’s ranch added some unexpected surprises! A few weeks into the stay at her new home, Windy began to retain noticeable weight. Kate knew that there were only two possibilities, and a blood test confirmed that Windy was, indeed, expecting another foal! Kate named her Liberty and enjoys having a young animal on the property again. Liberty even became a companion to Helios. Settled into her new home, Windy is able to enjoy a life filled with security, companions, and plenty of Liberty.