He started out desperate. Starving in a filthy stall that had become a prison. Trapped for nearly 6 months without daylight, exercise, or even the hope of freedom….survival. The stall eroded from underneath him, the urine creating a deep …crater, leaving only a narrow shelf around the perimeter of the stall for him to walk. He drank in his first taste of sunlight like a stranded hiker gulping water when finally rescued. We named him Caspian, and had the honor of facilitating both his rescue…and his transformation, from skeletal to striking…from despondent to inquiring, interested, living. He is fully alive today…thriving in his forever home with Michelle. He has shed the baggage of the abused, the persona of the neglected, and the stigma of the unwanted. His life is full of training, horse shows, and the promise that tomorrow will always bring daylight, even in the darkest storm. They have a partnership that has fundamental roots in a commitment that had a beginning, but doesn’t have an end, because it is forever. Caspian is home for the holidays.
Caspian is Home for the Holidays