March 2014 Adoption Highlight

When a horse is adopted from Red Bucket Equine Rescue, it is the beginning of a journey for everyone involved. Unique in taking the time to learn what a potential forever home is looking for, Red Bucket strives to make the right match of horse to family. With one of our values being “rescue is only the beginning,” Red Bucket invests in the adoption experience so that horses and families have their happy ending. As a result, we are fortunate to have many adopters return for another one of our rescued, trained and beautiful horses to add even more value to their families.

For Nina Sellers, it had always been a dream to own and ride horses. She grew up riding during the summers, advancing in English in college, even passing up the opportunity to own her own horse because it wasn’t the right time. However, when her parents moved out of Orange County to Norco a few years ago, they bought Nina’s daughter a pony and told Nina that this was her chance. Not knowing where to start, she came across Red Bucket featured on a local news broadcast. Nina filled out an application online, was contacted by Red Bucket, and was matched with her first horse, Shields. A while later, Nina wanted to get another horse for her husband and father to ride, and that’s when Scout became a part of the family.
Like many of the horses that find their way to Red Bucket, Scout had been a victim of circumstances. Nina was soon interested in this well trained and confident horse, and within two months, the two ended up together, resulting in a serendipitous bridging.
Originally a horse for her Dad and husband, Nina finds herself taking Scout out on trails at least four times a week. His all around confident disposition and extensive training has allowed Nina to advance her daughter’s lessons, and when she is old enough to ride in shows, Scout will be ready. Scout has made Nina more comfortable in her own abilities, and she is now using him to train their other horses. Having two wonderful experiences with Red Bucket, Nina says that she “will be forever grateful,” adding, “It has always been a dream of mine. I feel so lucky to have good horses. Scout has touched my life, my husband’s and my Dad’s.”
Staying true to Red Bucket’s commitment that “rescue is only the beginning,” head trainer Kimberly Fohrman went out to Norco to visit Nina and Scout and to offer additional on-site training. To Nina’s surprise, Kimberly went out as many times as they needed, making her exclaim, “What person would do that?” The rewarding and stress free experiences that Nina has had with Red Bucket has led her to be one of our biggest fans. While Nina is grateful to Red Bucket Equine Rescue, we are equally grateful for Nina, not only for her commitment of providing forever homes for two of our Red Bucket horses, but for her continued support and advocacy demonstrating that rescue really is only the beginning.