May 2013 Adoption Celebration: Merriweather, Tinker Bell, Dustin & Goliath (aka Harley)

Adoption Story of Harley, Dustin, Merriweather and Tinker Bell


Red Bucket was glad it could say “yes” when the call came in. This time it was about 13 horses in desperate need of food, shelter and medical attention. The Red Bucket Ranch was filled to capacity, but somehow room was made for the Lucky 13. Among them were four miniature horses, two stallions, a mare and her four-­‐month old baby.


Under ordinary circumstances, the mere sight of a mini brings a smile, but sadly there was not much to smile about when they arrived at Red Bucket. Each of the 13 horses, minis included, needed immediate medical attention. The months and possibly years of neglect resulted in poor nutrition, dental issues, and perhaps most pressing, hoof issues that needed immediate attention.


Before long the Lucky 13 began to thrive under the commitment, loving care and gentle hands of Red Bucket. The four minis, Red Bucket’s smallest charges, didn’t know it yet, but they were going to find their Forever Home across the street from the warmth and security of Red Bucket.


Geni has been a friend and neighbor to Red Bucket and regularly seeks updates on our horses. She has always had a special place in her heart for minis. At her ranch, she created a special custom barn and pasture for her two minis with the intent of adding to her little family. Now as a neighbor and supporter of our meaningful work, she wanted to adopt rather than buy. When she saw the photos of Harley, Dustin, Merriweather and Tinker Bell in need, she immediately reached out and offered them sanctuary at her ranch. They’d be a welcome addition to the two minis she already had, not to mention the twelve horses and numerous dogs thriving under her love and care. Within a few months, the adoption of the Fortunate Four, Harley, Dustin, Tinker Bell and Merriweather, was complete.


Today, six months later, the four minis, once starved of food and attention and literally on their last legs, enjoy being the center of attention. At Geni’s ranch, the young girls of the “Pony Club” delight in dressing the minis (including the boys, Harley and Dustin) with bows and braids in their manes and tails. When not rolling on the ground and otherwise enjoying life, the minis are often on center stage, performing alongside the girls of the Pony Club, much to the joy of their admirers.


Please meet the minis, and try to keep from smiling:

Harley. At just three years old, he’s a bit small even for a mini. His long, flowing mane and tail, and flourishing forelock, make him a favorite of the “Pony Club.”

Dustin. He is the mini-­‐in-­‐charge, and at 20 years of age, this little man is affectionately known as “The Boss.”

Merriweather is about eight and is as gracious as she is forgiving. She is “World’s Best Mom” to Tinker Bell, her filly.

Tinker Bell could easily be named “Stinker Bell.” What she lacks in size she makes up for with ample attitude that many would call charisma.