November 2014 Adoption Highlight: Wyatt

Wyatt arrived as a true rescue. Red Bucket received a call from an Animal Control Officer who did not want to euthanize him. We thought he was old or perhaps lame. Wyatt was underweight, beaten up, and yet, he wanted to be with us. So, Red Bucket had to stretch resources to make a space for him. It wasn’t long before we realized he was a fully trained horse, well versed in Western, English and jumping. Wyatt needed groceries, TLC, and a family of his own. The Allen family had previously adopted Wyatt’s best friend, Gulliver. When they returned to Red Bucket for another horse, they were matched with Wyatt. This is their testimony: When we were thinking about what to say about Wyatt, we all smiled. Wyatt is such a great member of our family. Our friends consistently say that Wyatt is one of their favorites of all our animals.

Our favorite thing about Wyatt is his personality. He loves to snuggle and give kisses. He is also very curious and wants to be a part of whatever we are doing. In the morning, when we fill his water bucket, he stands right next to us, nudging us with his head trying to get more attention and love. You have no choice but to love on Wyatt whenever you are around him.

Red Bucket described him as part Labrador Retriever, and they were right. He is one of the sweetest horses we have ever met. He is very calm and gentle and is very sweet with the newest member of our family, baby Penelope. She follows him on the other side of his stall during the day. When we
posted a picture of Wyatt and Penelope on Facebook, the other day, most of the comments were that, “Wyatt loves everyone.”

When you look at Wyatt, you can’t believe that anyone could be cruel to him. He has definitely been trained. Whether we are lunging or riding him, he knows exactly what he is doing and is eager to please. While Molly enjoys riding English or bareback, she has also ridden Wyatt Western and tackless. She has also jumped with Wyatt.

Wyatt has given us so much in return. He has made us realize that every horse deserves to be wanted and loved. He makes us smile and makes us laugh. There is no doubt that we definitely get more from Wyatt than we give to him. Wyatt loves his new home. He loves the consistency and
routine of his days. He loves his stall and is turned out with his best friend, Gulliver, every day. He enjoys going out into the arena. When he goes out first, he patiently waits for Gulliver’s gate to be opened before going out himself. He has learned to trust us. When he first arrived, he was a bit nervous when being groomed and when being put into our pasture by himself. He now enjoys the attention of grooming and can go into the pasture without one of us or Gulliver babysitting him. He has also been going out for hand walks on the street, something that he couldn’t do when he first got here. It is clear that Wyatt is happy. We are not sure if Wyatt appreciates his home more after all he has been through, but it certainly seems that way. He knows that he is here forever and he will be taken care of and loved for the rest of his life.

We absolutely love Red Bucket. We cannot say enough about what they do for these horses. It is absolutely horrifying to see some of these horses when they arrive at Red Bucket, and to see the transformation in these horses is amazing. It is all done with the patience and love of amazing volunteers. We now have two horses, Wyatt and Gulliver, and two miniature horses, Trinket and Penelope, from Red Bucket. They have all
been great additions to our family. We originally adopted liver as Molly’s horse. She kept going back to the website and commenting that Wyatt still didn’t have a home. When asked Red Bucket about adopting another horse, they immediately mentioned Wyatt. We didn’t know at the time
that Wyatt and Gulliver were stall mates while at Red Bucket. That made our decision that much easier. The first day bringing Wyatt home, he and Gulliver were out in the arena together like old times. It was like it was meant to be.

We would highly recommend a rescue for anyone looking for a new horse. They have such love and joy by being in a safe loving environment. All of our Red Bucket horses have been great. They have been healthy and we have had very few problems with them. Red Bucket is very careful in the
selection of who takes their horses and when their horses are ready to be adopted, and we think it shows in the success of their adoptions. They have been great in their support of our horses. We do not hesitate to call if we have any questions or need any help. We have called several times to ask questions, whether health related or training issues, and they have always been very helpful.

We have been very blessed to have Wyatt in our lives and are thankful we can give him the type of home that he deserves.

thankful we can give him the type of home that he deserves.