Prudence Goes Home

The wonderful Weber’s came back for Prudence. It was only last month that they picked up Crumpet and took her home to live with their other rescue mini and menagerie of animals. They made a commitment (and followed up regularly) to come back and get Prudence when she was ready to go home. We have been nursing Prudence back from a very serious and almost fatal case of founder. While it was touch and go for a scary stretch of time, Prudence pushed through….and there standing on the other side, were her new family…and Crumpet, waiting to welcome her home. Prudence and Crumpet (both foundered) in a serious state of neglect had been tied to a fence and left to die. Animal Control was going too euthanize them, except Red Bucket Equine Rescue took them in….that is why we have “Rescue” in our name…we rescue, and we are so  grateful that we did. Rescue is only the beginning, the great majority of animals that come to us for help desperately require the training, rehabilitation, veterinary services, and the time that our program offers. The wonderful Weber’s, like the other families that come to us to rehome  a previously unwanted horse exemplify the commitment and compassion of a Red Bucket adoptive family. Because of this heartwarming commitment both Crumpet and Prudence are alive, and together again…beginning their happily ever after.