She had been starved down to a body condition score of one. The only real defining feature was her skeleton…oh, and a ferocious desire to live. Her owner was arrested add charged wi…th animal cruelty (with an impending court case…and a DA committed to seeing that he is put behind bars), one of the other horses found with her had to be euthanized immediately. She was atypical in that even in her starved and weakened condition, she was ready to fight, kick, and do anything to prevent additional harm from coming to her. Once her weight returned to normal, it was clear that the damage was deep, and normal placement was not an option. She was scheduled to be humanely euthanized, but the officer who had managed her case (a wonderful person who genuinely deeply cares for the horses that she protects and serves) came to us. Again, our village has come together to put a stake in the ground….we will not allow this beautiful horse to be destroyed…again. We gently loaded her into a trailer headed for a sanctuary of rolling hills, a herd of friends, and a safe peaceful life. Pepper will never know, that the very species that damaged her so violently, also banded together to ensure that she will live, thrive…and never suffer or fear again. Thanks to all of you who helped her (you know who you are), and for those of you who help us help them.
Red Bucket Equine Rescue #174 and Forever Home Found #78