Christmas two years ago, Shavers ( pictured right ) was given thirty days to live. He had been a family pet for 25 years….many of those years were spent in neglectful isolation. Lonely and ignored without even basic care, Shavers family not wanting to continue to pay his board payment called a vet to have him put down. Fortunately, that vet called Red Bucket…and before the sand escaped the hour glass, Shavers was happily adopted by Ellen Neal. Shavers joined Ellen and her rescued mini, Munchkin ( center ) and has spent the last two years pinching himself and happily relishing in his good fortune. Today Shavers and Munchkin have a very special announcement to make….Hot Rod has joined their little family unit, and has come home….just in time for Christmas! Congratulations to Hot Rod, Shavers, Munchkin and Ellen! Oh……and happy anniversary Shavers, we are so glad that you have experienced the joy of being wanted, loved…..cherished! Merry Christmas to the entire Neal family and to all those who do your part to help transition unwanted to wanted!
Red Bucket Equine Rescue # 57- Forever Home Found- Hot Rod