He came to us completely shattered, guarded and untrusting, he was unresponsive to kindness, our gentle advances, or even an extended treat. He had retreated to a place deep within himself, the only reaction that he showed was fear and distrust. His first friend was Haylee, she taught him first to to trust, then to love…and be loved. His second friend was Presley, who taught him how to be a horse. His third friend Dustin, taught him to have confidence in himself and in man. Dustin taught him that the true partnership between human and horse is mutual, rewarding, and beautiful. Dustin called us last week, and asked if he could adopt Tonka. He told us that Tonka was his forever horse, that he would take care of him, and that he loves him. We happen to know that Tonka loves Dustin, too. Of course, we said YES! Congratulations Tonka and Dustin!
Red Bucket Equine Rescue Forever Home #58- Tonka