We love it when wonderful things happen, and we have declared October to be Mustang Month! Our very own Mustang Whisperer, Jenon Mathes…and her beloved shadow Durham…have officially added a new marvelous mustang to their family by making Foster’s adoption official! The reality is that both Durham and Foster chose Jenon years ago…and a little bit of paperwork really doesn’t seem to be a big deal…to them. What is relevant is the bond that has been forged over the last five years; trust, mutual respect, loyalty…and a smidgen of vulnerability (on both sides of the equation). The entire Red Bucket Family celebrates the commitment, dedication, patience…and above all, unconditional love that emanates from what appears intangible…the forging of a friendship and now forever family of three. Congratulations to Jenon, Durham and Foster!!!
Red Bucket Equine Rescue Forever Home Found #225 – Foster