Red Bucket Equine Rescue Forever Home Found # 71- Crumpet

She had been abandoned, along with her mother Prudence…they were tied to a fence with no
way of finding food or water…no possibility of protecting themselves from coyotes or other
predators. It was also very evident that before they were dumped, they had been seriously neglected
with feet so over grown that they were walking on their heels teetering painfully, unable to walk
without the telltale signs of agony with every step. Crumpet had a mild case of founder,
while Prudence nearly lost her life. Their new family has been very patient, waiting to take them
home. Today is a new day….and Crumpet has a new family, loving friends, and a new
beginning.  Shortly a healthy Prudence will be joining Crumpet and the family will be complete.
Congratulations Crumpet, welcome home!