The 25 horse…donkeys, drafts, yearlings, and weanlings who live in the east paddocks, all lined up attentive…and intrigued. They were oblivious to the fact that breakfast was abou…t to be delivered and seemingly unaware of the thin ice that floated on their waterers or the frost that clung to the rails of their paddocks. The trailer (generously donated by our good friends at Diamond Honda of Puente) had been backed down the aisle by “Finbar’s Arena”. Elliot and Riot sporting halters and leads were marching out of the donkey paddock…and EVERYONE was paying attention. Funny thing….Elliot and Riot didn’t want to leave…no way. Both of our precious donkeys came to us after considerable abuse. Elliot had been abused, and then abandoned on a deserted “ranchette”, left to slowly perish without even the basics. Riot a stray, had suffered unspeakable abuse, too graphic to repeat. When we would approach him, he would close his eyes, tuck his tail, hunching his back, and tremble violently. During the last 18 months, our little charges have begun to shed the the baggage of abuse. Memories of terror, ropes, barbed wire and brutality have been replaced with softness, trust, compassion…and love. Like a tight bud slowly opening, Elliot and Riot have emerged and claimed their lives…owning their delightful donkey personalities. Elliot, the leader and patriarch of all of our donkey residents is a self-proclaimed “Maffasa”, seems to consider himself to be equivalent to the Lion King…only donkey style. Heaven help us if we are a second behind feeding time…he heads up the “Ranch Complaint Department” loudly bellowing…and leading the cacophony of brays and demanding hee-haws. Safe to say that those who sleep at the ranch have not managed a full night sleep, as Elliot delights in reminding us all who is really in charge. Riot, a docile and still shy follower who never complains, or demands a thing has slowly learned that human hands can bring pleasure, that voices are soothing, and that people can be trusted. After gentle coaxing…and a few tricks that we have learned along the way, Elliot and Riot (who we promised would never be separated) were loaded up and on their way. Their new family, Andrew and Pearl eagerly awaiting what the declared to ” a new lifetime of happiness” Those of us who were left waving farewell, swallowed our emotion and went back to feeding and caring for our other charges who too, will one day leave us for their second chance and happily ever after. Happiest of holiday wishes to Elliot, Riot, and their new family!!!
Red Bucket Equine Rescue Forever Homes Found #90 and #91- Elliot and Riot