Fortunately, Waikiki comes from a happy story! He was also loved…so much so, that rather than selling him when her life toppled a bit, his “mom” asked for Red Bucket to re-home him…yup, that is real love. She wanted her beloved horse to have the promise of forever, complete with the Red Bucket contract, follow-up visits, and the security of the Red Bucket commitment. Nicole was the hand to fit the glove…perfectly. She still has her childhood horse of 26 years living in her back pasture. She was looking for a buddy for her mare, a horse to love, and a childhood horse for her own kiddos. She loved him instantly, invested in getting to really know him…yes, two-hour drives each way. She brought her mom, her kids, her husband…and her heart. She also brought carrots, a new red halter, and later…a trailer! We celebrate the love that “Wai” has experienced, consider the selfless sacrifice of his owner to be heroic, and wish Nicole a host of new memories to come. We consider this to be the ultimate win-win!
Red Bucket Forever Home #178-Waikiki