He is perhaps one of the most magnificent horses that we have met. Pretty darn near perfect. Stunning to look at…front cover Harlequin Romance Novel perfect. He is trained, sound, and kind. He has a quiet watchful intelligence that seems to want to give the benefit of the doubt in spite of the fact that he has every right to be wary and guarded. But, as previously stated, Reynolds has an intelligence that transcends the horrific circumstances that brought him to Red Bucket. He was saved at the 11th hour from slaughter…an unimaginable reality that seems unreal. Reynolds, Foster, and Durham, three of the most stunning examples of our American Mustangs…healthy…vibrant…and IN THE PRIME OF THEIR LIVES, waiting for a brutal, violent, and unspeakable end. This story has a happy ending, and we pause to thank our village…Shirley Puga, The Wags and Menace Make a Difference Foundation, Brandon and Cristen Durham, and the dedicated Red Bucket volunteers for saving and providing for his care. This weekend one very lucky, and very worthy Reynolds went home with Jackie…forever. While we are very grateful for Reynolds’ happy ending, it is Jackie who is pinching herself, grateful beyond words for her spectacular “best horse ever”. Congratulations to Reynolds and Jackie!!
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