Before she committed, she was committed. As a new volunteer, way back in the very beginning of Red Bucket, Rexanne rolled up her sleeves and offered to help. We were definitely busy and possibly bordering on overwhelmed when our little grass roots rescue grew overnight, assimilating 42 new horses in varying stages of injury, severe starvation, and neglect. Twenty two of those horses were stallions, among them Striker. Striker came to us with a giant chip on his grossly emaciated body. While many of other the horses demonstrated the surrender of the hopeless, and the helplessness of the victimized. Striker was the rare exception to the rule that starving horses are docile. He was angry, defensive….and way too afraid to demonstrate vulnerability or weakness of any kind. If there is a vein of a love story at Red Bucket, it might have roots in the hours, dedication, and persistence that Rexanne brought with her in her daily and consistent visits. When Rexanne approached us about adopting Striker, we already knew that she belonged to him, and her heart was his. Today, like so many of the previously unwanted, he is trained, loved, and home forever. While Rex initially fell in love with the challenge, she later fell in love with the horse, and he fell in love with her. Rex describes Striker as the most playful and loyal horse that she has ever had. Striker isn’t angry anymore, and he is on occasion a bit vulnerable, if only for a moment, and only with Rexanne. Striker is spending his third Happy New Year in his forever home….happily ever after.
Striker and Rexanne…Happily Ever After