August 2015 Horse Highlight: Anchor Man


The Anchor Man in any relay race is depended upon to run the victory lap…our gorgeous boy~ aptly named~ has proven he can win the race of hope and perseverance…bringing glory to himself and the entire team!

When seeing Anchor Man in person, one is awed by his extraordinarily majestic presence. A proud and gorgeous dapple-gray gelding, he stands at least 16.1 hands high. He is stunning to see, exuding both power and confidence. With a well-bred pedigree behind him, this Appendix Quarter Horse would delight any new adopter!

Anchor Man has only been at Red Bucket for a little over a year. A frantic owner who could not afford to pay the vet bills that were mounting up gave a call to Red Bucket explaining that they may have to put him down. Something was “not right” with him. He had increasingly become an unhappy and rigid mover, showing much discomfort when people tried to ride him. The owner did not have the money to spend on the veterinary diagnostic tests, and as a last resort before putting him down, the owner called Red Bucket. That was the first positive step toward his wonderful new life!

When Susan Peirce went to evaluate Anchor Man, she was concerned about taking another horse in the event that he could not be helped. She consulted Dr. Adrienne Moore who felt he could benefit and possibly be healed with chiropractic treatment. She stated, “We will fix him, or I’ll take him to my own pasture where he can spend the rest of his life.” After one year of chiropractic treatment and rehabilitation, Anchor Man is now sound and working under saddle. Dr. Moore is another example of the caring professionals who diligently work with the horses at Red Bucket.

Besides being such a handsome guy, Anchor Man has won the hearts of two lovely Red Bucket volunteers. Cathy Hessman and Barbara Todd have groomed and cared for him since coming to the Ranch. Barbara grooms him once a week and calls him “a very even-tempered sweet horse and beautiful when in motion.” Cathy also works with Anchor Man, grooming him a few times a week and spending time nurturing him. Cathy describes him as “a beautiful horse with a sweet disposition who also has a fun, rascally side!”

Both Barbara and Cathy are looking forward to watching his progress under saddle with Red Bucket trainer, Shona. Cathy says, “I’m so looking forward to his upcoming training as he moves toward his forever home!”

With the dedicated care and patience of loving professionals and Red Bucket volunteers, Anchor Man has shown he can go the distance in the race of life…and bring his team the glory by winning huge in the victory lap!

Written By: Johanna Downs