March 2015 Horse Highlight: Noah

“Re-homing an older horse gives back to its life in the best way possible. They deserve
to live out their golden years in a loving home.” Red Bucket Trainer Shona Barnthouse
Meet Noah! Our social, adorably sweet, preciously delightful senior horse! Currently
living his life at pasture, his days are filled socializing with other horses. He is a horse
with a calm and kind attitude, one who will make the right lucky match a great
companion horse. He is the cutest little chestnut Arabian, around 14 hands high,
according to Susan Peirce, who also calls him “Puddin’ Pop!”
Noah was found wandering the streets as a stray by animal control. When nobody
claimed him, he was scheduled for euthanasia. Thankfully, based on the strong
relationship Red Bucket has with this office, they contacted Susan directly, and once she
got the call and met Noah, Red Bucket became his new home. Now it is time for him to
find greener pastures and a family of his own to love and care for him. According to Red
Bucket trainer Shona Barnthouse, “Homing an older horse will give back to its life in the
best way possible. They deserve to live out their golden years in a loving home.”
He would make an ideal companion horse. He would be a wonderful horse for
grandparents who have a little bit of land to keep a horse for their grandchildren to come
over and love. They could watch and enjoy their grandchildren and Noah play together
while sipping their iced tea or lemonade! Noah would also make a good companion to a
younger horse. “Owning an older horse as a companion can be a great influence on a
young horse. Horses are social creatures and need the interaction to maintain their
overall health and well-being. Not only are you offering a younger or working horse
stability by getting it a geriatric companion, but you are changing the life of that one
older horse,” states Shona. “So many horses go unwanted after their “show years” or
their riding days are over. A horse that was once loved and cared for and gave its all, can
wind up in unspeakable places.”
Red Bucket does not know under what conditions Noah has lived his approximately 22
years. What has been substantiated is that Noah would be best as a companion and not a
riding horse. He loves to be loved, groomed, hand-walked, talked to, and just plain doted
on! He enjoys human contact and also other horses. He would fit into most small or
large ranch settings. Noah is a social horse, getting along well with others and can be a
good teacher to the youngsters! Such qualities make him a treasure, a special horse
waiting for just the right person to come and find him and take him to his forever home!
Our goal at Red Bucket is to find Noah the home he so lovingly deserves. We know the
perfect companion “fit” is out there waiting. Noah is ready…are you?
Written by: Johanna Downs