March 2016 Horse Highlight: Pilot

On an aircraft, the pilot or captain’s job is to navigate, guide and safely maneuver

a plane. In many ways it is not so different from what a dependable, solid and

square horse does for the rider. Meet our very own Red Bucket “Pilot” who is

considered by all to be trustworthy, reliable and completely responsible…along

with being utterly adorable!

“There is something truly remarkable about Pilot,” according to Red Bucket

volunteer Michelle Walker. “Whether we are taking a steady walk under the stars

to his overnight enrichment on the East side of the Ranch, or walking

purposefully (and handsomely I might add!) for the film crew of Emma’s Chance,

Pilot never falls short in making YOU feel protected and cared for.”

Pilot is known at Red Bucket as one of the cutest, most adorable and absolutely

scrumptious horses! He is a beautiful chestnut Quarter Horse whom Susan

Peirce affectionately calls, “one of my boyfriends!”

Upon arrival at the Ranch, Pilot had no desire to have a relationship with anyone.

He would spend his time standing in the back of his stall. As time went on, he

began to warm up…especially if you may have had treats! When he sees

someone coming down the barn aisle, he heartily calls out from his stall hoping

for just one more carrot or cookie, or an affectionate pat on his precious face. It

is well known that Pilot’s best friends are people.

As one of the stunt horses in the upcoming movie Emma’s Chance, he was

dependable and always ready and alert to do his job, even at 2:00 a.m.! While

all of the other horses were sleeping, Pilot was alert and eager to get his scene

right. On the first take, Pilot got it right! Pilot is now a verified movie star!

Being fussed over and groomed is one of Pilot’s favorite activities. He loves

attention and has recently found his forever home. We wish him and his new

family the best of everything.

Written by: Johanna Downs