Amy, Brianna, Jack and Baldwin’s World

It is the youngest of the Red Riding Hoods, photographed with our eldest Red Bucket horses that inspire us, challenges us…. fills our hearts with joy and hope. A world where our youth sacrifice their birthday parties and gifts in order for our horses to receive apple sauce and bandaging materials. A world where our children forgo movies, shopping at the mall of sunny days at the beach in order to groom, nurture and hand walk an unwanted horse. A world where a teenager chooses…asks… begs to go to Red Bucket to help the horses…a very special world where our younger generation are choosing to serve abandoned and abused horses, learning to lead and teach others. A very special world where our girls, young women are thrilled to bareback our geriatric Baldwin and Jack, feeling privileged to climb up upon the backs of a horse once cast aside, abandoned and unwanted. Where there is respect and appreciation for a horse nearly 15 years their senior. A world where our horses, feeling valued and appreciation stand up a little straighter, walk with more purpose…and even on occasion break into the trot. A world where magic is seen and felt daily.
Brianna & Jack 2 Amy & Baldwin