Anchor Man’s back to school

Many people ask us about what kinds of horses we have at Red Bucket…what kinds of horses reside in rescues. The answer, of course, is multifaceted; at Red Bucket we run the gamete, from donkeys to drafts. We certainly have our share of the discarded and unwanted. Some of these horses served a master, or multiple masters, and now in their later years have earned a gentle retirement that was denied to them. The greater majority of those wonderfully wise and kind geriatrics have been rescued from slaughter or premature euthanasia, as no one was willing to continue caring for them when they were no longer capable of working. We have pregnant mares and precious foals. A pregnant mare weighs more, and therefore commands a higher price at auctions that sell horses by the pound to kill buyers. There is, of course, the family pet that was surrendered due to the grim reality of a poor economy, the death of an owner, or a lost job. There are even more horses, starving and helpless, who were dumped or tied in isolated stretches of dry river beds. Our stalls are inhabited by retired show horses, race horses, past treasured partners, sport horses….and horses who never stood a chance to begin with. We also have beautifully bred, trained and talented horses that came to us from caring owners who knew what we know…that time, TLC, and either retraining or rehabilitation will make all the difference in the world. Today, Anchor Man transitions from chiropractic care and a temporary life of leisure to the first steps of going back to work…or perhaps in Anchor Man’s case, going back to school…and he is loving it, and feeling fantastic!