He came to us just hours before he was to ship to slaughter….A darling mustang sporting both a BLM brand and a fear of letting anyone near his head. He was afraid to have his face brushed, he pulled back when we tried to halter him, he jumped if we raised our hand. His name is Banjo. We loved him immediately, presented him with a red bucket, and gave him the gift of time. Over the course of the last several months he has blossomed…he has learned that human hands bring red buckets, scratch withers, lovingly groom coats, deliver carrots and cookies, and come with a gentleness that he didn’t know existed. He spends his afternoons in a large turnout with Cash, Turner, Liam, and Knox. They run, rear, nip each other and enjoy their enrichment…enjoy being horses. Today, Banjo had his debut trail ride, and he was perfect. Walking back from the trail a little girl who was strolling with her mother called out “I know that horse, he is my friend” . The little girl’s mother told Kimberly and Sara that she takes her daughter to watch the horses frolic in the turnout which borders the road. The lovely mustang gently dropped his head, and Banjo’s friend patted his nose.
Banjo’s Friend