Batman Turns 4!

Four years ago 50 very pregnant feral mares were sold at slaughter. The mares were so pregnant that 7 did not fit on the truck, and while awaiting another carrier, our good friend Shirley Puga arranged for them to be rescued. One of the mares came to Red Bucket. We named her Scarlett, and eagerly awaited the birth of her foal. She was terrified, and rightfully distrusting. It seemed as if she was willing herself not to deliver her baby….not until she felt safe, or until she no longer had a choice. Her colt was huge, definitely overdue, with contracted tendons, almost comically longer-than-life ears, and a “hello world, I am here now” personality. As we slowly earned Scarlett’s respect (trust came even more slowly) Batman developed confidence, his legs straightened out, and he began to experience life as a wanted horse. In spite of his mother’s atrocious and heartbreaking beginning, Batman experienced an ideal colt-hood with protected and blissful time with his mother, lots of gentling, time out in pasture….and of course, Red Bucket Charm Farm. This week we celebrate Batman’s 4th birthday. He is beautiful, well-behaved, confident, happy…and alive! He shares a roomy paddock with his fellow 4-year-old and best buddy, Elwell. Batman is beginning more than just his saddle training this summer, he is beginning the next chapter of the rest of his life. He is alive…and seems to portray a “hello life…I am here” persona. Batman is also very much alive! Happy birthday, handsome! Welcome to the rest of your life!

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