Behren Update

At twenty months old he found himself hurt…discarded like an unwanted, ill fitting pair of shoes…headed for slaughter. The whole ordeal must have been bewildering. His future had been bright…his owners so hopeful that they had jump st…arted his training, in great anticipation of large purses and the seduction of both the winners circle and all of the trappings of fame that accompanies “Winning”. The jump starting (and the greed that accompanied it) was of course, his downfall. He bowed both front tendons, and with the suddenness of an unexpected tornado, went from hopeful… to hopeless. We were lucky to have rescued him, within moments of him walking onto the trailer that would transport him to a horrific and unspeakable demise. We named him Behren…dubbed him our Baby Bear, and devoted ourselves to his rehabilitation and recovery. He is well on his way….he is big, strong, and sound. Well started under saddle…starting a new life full of promise, he is enjoying both the work…and the feeling of being valued with no strings attached and no conditional expectations. Baby Bear is all grown up…and is clearly a winner in ways that are defined by the heart…not the purse.