Boys Will Be Boys

With all of our darling foals we have plenty of sugar and spice and everything nice; McGarrah is a sweetheart, Kami is a love-bug, Mathe is becoming a pleaser, and then…..there is Micah, who is all BOY! Boy, oh boy….is he ever. Micah is a rough-and-tumble little colt who loves to mix it up…he plays like a boy, loves to scatter the girls, and then race like mad back to the safety of his mother’s side and run laps around her! He is a wee bit on the naughty side, and likes to test his luck by playing games when being haltered, finding it amusing to dash off and leave Miss Lauren in a bit of dust! He leaps through the air, teases the girls, and constantly tries the patience of his loving mother. He is confidant, invincible, and convinced that he can do anything, even fly! He is, in a word, delightful….and he is also safe! Many thanks to all of our friends and supporters who have made his life possible!