As a light breeze gently ruffles her mane, Cookie responsively listens to her rider’s cue to pick up the trot. She moves out with an eagerness to please and a sincere desire to work. She has developed a renewed confidence in herself…and in humankind…and is embracing her life. Cookie, like many mares, is a pleaser. She listens carefully and responds easily and without drama. She is not only back in shape, but tuned up, happy, and quick to adjust when asked. It certainly doesn’t hurt that she is adorable, but like so many of our horses who come to us seeking their second chance, Cookie displays gratitude and an eagerness to connect and belong! Too darn cute to be unwanted for long, Cookie has an adopter who is falling in love with this special mare. We think she looks as fantastic as she appears to feel. We think that Bethany looks pretty darn great, too!