Memphis As an impeccably bred Quarter Horse mare, her owners’ goal for her in life was to showcase her sire, a world class stallion. But once she fulfilled her obligation, she was sold at an auction known for selling horses by the pound. She was on a fast track to the slaughter pen. She was discarded heartlessly and completely forgotten about. Meet “Memphis” whose name means “beautiful and established.” She has championship bloodlines and is a wonderful example of her sire’s perfect conformation. She is gorgeously balanced, structurally correct and the type of horse that can go on to do well in performance classes. She has a pleasant expression and is alert and bright.
Unfortunately, though she is a beautiful and perfectly balanced equine, Memphis represents the awful way in which horses of her quality are often commoditized with no regard for them. It is appalling to consider a horse of her caliber being thrown away just because she is no longer “useful” at only 3 years old! To have a well-bred horse facing slaughter and being tossed out in a heartless manner was unthinkable to a rescue colleague of Red Bucket who took it upon herself to save Memphis. She then provided her food, safety, shelter, care and love until there was room to accommodate her at the Red Bucket Ranch.
Memphis was started under saddle training last summer. She has spent most of her training time with Lauren, an intern at the Ranch, who attends the La Mar School of Horse Training. Memphis has a kind temperament, a soft and gentle eye, and she accepted Lauren on her very first ride. Within 50 days Memphis was performing with ease at the walk, trot and canter!
She is a sorrel mare with white half socks on her legs. Her beauty, grace and impeccable conformation and bloodlines are all substantiated. Memphis is best friends with her next-door barn stall neighbor Pixie the pretty-pony. They have a blast out in the turnout arena together, running, playing and kicking up their heels.
It is the goal for every horse at Red Bucket to find a permanent and established home, where they are loved unconditionally. That reality for Memphis is on the horizon, as Lauren is returning to finish her training in preparation for adoption. Memphis and her perfect match will make an amazing team of beauty, grace and forever love!
Written by: Johanna Downs
December 2013 Horse Highlight: Memphis