Our horses and donkeys come to us victims of unspeakable abuse. They have been starved, roped, choked, tripped, beaten….and they have thankfully survived. We have the distinct honor of providing a safe landing pad in which to allow them to heal, rehabilitate, and be trained, and a platform for which to repair and rebuild a shattered trust. In our ongoing work to prepare the animals entrusted to our care for their forever homes, they begin to develop confidence, trust, and a formerly foreign happiness. It is no secret that our delightful donkeys have laid claim to the east side of the ranch that they own in partnership with all of the other equine that come to us in preparation for their second chances. Our donkeys, have colored our wonderful little ranch with their silly donkey games, shenanigans, and even the occasional donkey tantrum, that most often reduce the Red Riding Hoods to tears…and amuse our horses to no end. The donkeys act as little staunch security guards, protecting our horses from the coyotes and other predators. They head up the complaint department…and report any infraction with a cacophony of scolding bellows…Heaven help us when daylight savings time changes and the feed time shifts. On this occasion, they marched over to the gate to welcome…and inspect little newcomer Tula.Tula, who while tiny, has a few well formed opinions of her own and made it perfectly clear that she preferred to wait for her new adopter from a deeply bedded mare motel, confirming what we have suspected all along…the donkeys really are in charge!
The Donkeys are in Charge