At the end of the rainbow sits a little red ranch where previous victims of unspeakable cruelty come to recover, rebuild confidence, and reclaim their lives. They are the treasure, and are treated with love and dedication by dozens of kind-hearted caretakers who are committed to their well-being, enrichment, and to their lives. This is where the birds sing, where touch is welcomed, and the horses are safe…not just for the moment, but forever. Upon this little proverbial pot of gold, the horses languish in the sunshine, are shielded from the rain, make friendships that are real, and doze in bedded stalls. At the end of the rainbow, dreams really do come true, and in the morning when the horses awaken, they realize that it is not just a dream, but a second chance for a wonderful life….and that yes, they truly do deserve it.
At the end of the Rainbow