Importance of Relationships

It seems most appropriate that today we reflect on the importance of relationships. Many of our FaceBook friends are animal lovers…we have experienced the gift of the unconditional love of a special horse, or perhaps the memory of a childhood horse or pony that we still remember and love years later. Horse lovers often speak of that special bond and incredible partnership that we grow with our equine loves as we establish deep and powerful relationships. We see it in the burst of impossible speed that a barrel horse or race horse will exhibit more because of wanting to do it for us than because they are doing it for themselves. Our jumpers, who will bravely jump the impossible, often in such a careful manner to keep us safe…and then feel good about it because they love us and want to please. The amazing Hickstead’s last act was to look over his shoulder to ensure that his rider was clear and safe…the moment before he died. There are the simple moments of intimacy that we tenderly experience with our horses that are so dear and poignant…so simple, like our horse reaching around us and pulling us in for a “hug”. We have had a recent and incredibly moving reminder of the deeply meaningful relationship that our horses also feel for one another. Last Saturday was Brimer’s last day. After giving him banamine, as we we waited for our vet to come, Brimer’s friend Styles laid by the side of his friend. Styles did not leave Brimer…not to eat…not to drink, he laid with his friend until we took Brimer to our vet. Styles gently and insistently called for his friend while our vet tried to help Brimer. After it was clear that mercy was the only solution for Brimer, we brought Styles over to say good-bye. Styles dropped his muzzle and cheek down to the face of his friend and caressed him. The tenderness and loyalty of the last few hours that these friends experienced is with us on this day that we formally say good-bye to Brimer…one last lesson, and a message of love.