Baldwin was the epitome of unwanted. He had been left in a stall for nearly five years…ignored, uncared for, and completely neglected. He hadn’t been groomed, his filthy stall wasn’t cleaned, he had no exercise…no chance. When the stable was required to “get rid” of a number of horses, no one would take Baldwin…they only wanted the “good” horses. Baldwin was scheduled to be donated to the mountain lion rescue. There wasn’t a chance that we were going to let that happen…no way! You see, we think that Baldwin is a perfectly good horse. In fact, we think that Baldwin is a wonderful horse. Baldwin is kind, gentle, noble, and very very grateful. Markie was also grateful this week to spend time with our handsome gentleman and slowly barn walk Baldwin around a ranch that he owns. Baldwin doesn’t need a bridle or a saddle, he carefully places each of his thick old legs, careful to give Markie a safe, smooth…and memorable ride. We salute Baldwin and all of the old timers who have given so much to us. We are glad to be able to return the favor, and save, serve, and care for the previously unwanted…the GOOD horses!
The Good Horse Baldwin