Bentley came to us a victim of the unspeakable…..he was knowingly starved down to a body score of 1. His skeleton was so painfully prominent that his hip bones threatened to pierce his hyde, he wobbled at the walk, and could not initially even lay down. It is safe to say that we held our breathes during those first few critical weeks, we hovered , and we shed tears that were layered with indescribable emotion. Throughout the months of his rehabilitation and careful re-feeding he proved to be a gentleman, kind….and so very grateful. We shed tears again when Jennifer adopted him, and we no longer need to hover, because he is safe, loved …home. At Red Bucket we serve our horses, the ranch belongs to them, and they drive and direct everything that we do. The organization is made up of selfless, dedicated, and compassionate humans who sacrifice…strive…and sometimes even struggle to serve these previous victims. Our ultimate goal at the other end of transformation…is hope, love, the in-penetrable bond of friendship and the concrete promise of forever. Our work is only possible through the generosity of others and the devotion of those who selflessly serve. Today is Jenon’s third anniversary at Red Bucket, her fingerprints are on many transformed lives and her dedication and commitment are part of the heart beat of saving and serving so many. Happy Anniversary Jenon, the horses love you, and so do we!
Happy Anniversary Jenon