Happy Birthday Chili Dog

Sometimes it just feels good to do the right thing….and today the right thing was for Chili Dog…and it was on his 11th birthday. Today, Chili Dog went to pasture. We have spent several months preparing this noble and gentle horse for his second chance: his feet have been re-shaped, he has been gelded, vaccinated, examined extensively by our vet, behaviorally assessed, and received several months of professional training. Today, in keeping with one of our operating values of making decisions that are in the best interest of the horse, we have made a decision for Chili Dog. It has become increasingly obvious that the abuse that Chili Dog suffered prior to his initial rescue has done permanent damage to his neck and back. We are unwilling to expose him to anything that might cause him pain, anguish, or fear…including a rider. Today on his birthday, we took him out to pasture and felt simultaneously the heat of our heart pounding into our throats and the chill of goose bumps reach the marrow of our bones as we released him into his “new herd”, he let the horses know that he is KING! One day, he will join another herd, a family who will promise to love him and keep him safe, but until then he will be a horse! If you love something set it free….we love Chili Dog….and we did. Happy birthday!