Happy Birthday Winni!

Happy Birthday Winni!!

As we prepare for the arrival of our three new little foals to be born, 3 little new lives that we are grateful to save, we are pausing to celebrate our little Winni’s first birthday. Winni’s mother, Nalah had been abused every day of her life. She came to us frightened and frightfully malnourished. Little Winni, who will never know what her mother knew…and will never know what almost was, is living a blissful life. She received the tenderest of care and gentle training to prepare her for a meaningful and safe life. She spends her days in pasture with her best little bff, no surprise to any of us demonstrates leadership, confidence, and happiness. We celebrate our little Princess Winni, and are reminded of the impact of our meaningful work. Happy birthday, precious little girl…and many more to come!!! Winni’s mother Nalah, is enjoying well deserved time in pasture, she too now has a blissful life!