We want to thank everyone who came out Sunday and supported our horses at the ASPCA Help A Horse Day! We received rave reviews on our tours, beautiful ranch, hospitality, and 3 clinics. We want to extend a special thanks to Dr. Adrienne Moore for generously giving up her Sunday to support our event. Dr. Moore’s clinic was extremely well attended with people raving about how much they learned. We are also very thankful for all of the goodies and supplies that Dr. Moore brought with her….she must be a mind reader (and extremely thoughtful) to know what we really need most. The horses all appreciate the TWENTY bags of cookies! Dr. Moore has continued to be a generous donor, dedicated teacher, and friend. We are also extremely pleased and excited to announce that both of the horses that Dr. Moore worked on are doing remarkably better as a result of her skillful (maybe magical?) adjustment! Many thanks to all of our guests, spectacular volunteers, and Dr. Moore!!!
Help the Horse 2015