Help us continue lifesaving work


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PLEASE help us continue our lifesaving work! Help us help our horses by donating today. We are desperately trying to raise $27,000 prior to midnight tonight. Red Bucket is a 501(c)3 non-profit and donations are tax deductible. Please consider donating. Please help us help the horses and encourage others to not turn their backs…we are not turning ours. Thank you all!!

We all had a lump in our throats when our 4 previously slaughter bound babies were united in our “filly playpen”. We rescued Keely, Gigi, and Sparrow and their feral mothers straight from the slaughter auction last July. Keely’s mother had been injured and died before she could come to Red Becket. We raised her by hand, cheating the darkness of death that threatened to claim her little fragile self. The mares are safe in sanctuary, Gigi and Sparrow have been reunited with our little Keely…and have met Cronin. Cronin’s then pregnant mom, Leonie was rescued from slaughter, and born last spring at Red Bucket. Little Keely, once so close to death has emerged as the leader and is reassuring our two newest babies that their is safety and kindness in the world. Our four fabulous fillies represent our life saving work, and our commitment to serve the most desperate horses. Three days ago, we rescued a VERY Pregnant and terrified slaughter bound mare (barely more than a filly herself) she is due within the next month, and she like her baby will receive the Red Bucket promise. All four babies welcome you meet them at the ranch that they now own. Visiting hours Sunday 1:00-4:00…please visit the miracles that are made possible due to your generosity. Thank you to all of our supporters and to our wonderful friend Marlene Dodge for all of her help, skill, and…heart!