Many of our friends expressed shock, outrage….complete indignation when we posted photos of Jess and Isabella last September. We all experienced a visceral pain when we looked at their starvation wracked bodies, hollow eyes and hide stretched taught over their fragile frames. What was perhaps most unforgivable, was that they had been intentionally starved. When Riverside Animal Control asked for our help with these two confiscated horses, we immediately said “yes”, and boy are we ever glad that they asked. Today, Jess and Isabella are happy and thriving….they have demonstrated tremendous survival instincts and resilience. On our end, we are grateful to be able to help them….they will have a happily ever after! Thank you to all of you who support our work and contribute to transitioning abused horses from survive to thrive! P.S. Jess and Bella thank you, too.
Jess and Isabella Update