October 2013 Horse Highlight: Wyatt

Wyatt was discarded, forsaken, abused and found wandering the streets by Animal Control. He had been abandoned and was considered a stray. Animal Control alerted Red Bucket in the nick of time about this gem and sweetheart of a horse. It was apparent even then that Wyatt had a gentle and kind soul. He showed the characteristics of a horse that had probably done anything that was asked of him by his former owner despite any harsh treatment he may have received. All he wanted was to be a “best friend” to a human who would love him. Enter Red Bucket. He was picked up and brought back to the Ranch as soon as a space became available for him.


As a stray, he was found with stitches above his eye, which told the tale that at one time, he had been cared about. Red Bucket is thankful to Animal Control for making the call that day about Wyatt because after 14 days there, his time would have been up. Thankfully, that was not meant to be! Even as he was being loaded into the Red Bucket horse trailer at the Animal Shelter, Wyatt perked up at the sound of the sweet voices and a gentle touch of the Red Riding Hood volunteers sent to save him!


Once on the Red Bucket Ranch, his personality began to peek through even more often. “I would say his disposition is in-­‐between a chocolate lab and a teddy bear!” expressed Susan Peirce as she discusses Wyatt’s attributes and characteristics. “He has turned into a dream come true. He is sound, has a fabulous personality and is extremely well trained.”


Wyatt is a beautiful dark bay who has a wonderful work ethic along with being absolutely kind and wise. He is a horse with a lot to give, one with a very playful spark in his eye and a joy to handle. Anyone could fall in love with Wyatt, especially a beginning rider, who would find him a steadfast, trustworthy and loyal best friend and companion.


Wyatt has great versatility and can be ridden comfortably either Western or English. While all of these attributes are great, Wyatt also has that “totally cute” part of the package to him too. He is friendly to other horses and whinnies for the Red Bucket volunteers any day of the week. He is a character and loves the attention from his human friends. Wyatt is completely ready for the right family who will really care for him and enjoy him for the awesome horse that he is. He will make someone a very happy best friend and partner for life!


Written by: Johanna Downs Oct. 2013