Operation Baby Watch-2013

She came to us very high risk: abused, hungry, scared, and very very pregnant. Over the last month we have slowly increased her nutrition, provided safety, and given her compassion and kindness. We have witnessed the beginning of her transformation from flat eyes, hopeless and a lackluster demeanor, and silently but defensive stance. She has visibly started to relax. She nickers when she sees anyone in red approach…she loves carrots, and anticipates their sweet crunch with both her eyes, and her voice which becomes stronger every day. She loves loves loves her stall, She stands with her head hanging over the door with her lower lip drooping, and after her hand walks and turn outs pulls us back to the cozy safe haven…her stall. In spite of preparing the foaling barn ALL weekend, including moving Finbar over, and Paidraig outside (and 9 other horses), We had structural work done, new electrical work… and cleaned and bedded the stall with lots of straw…Nalah made it perfectly clear that she wants to stay in HER stall. So in spite of all of our baby proofing and nesting, Nalah will foal in her own stall, in the barn behind the house, next to her friends….Spice, Hobby, and Haze.
She has declared herself to be home…and her baby will have one as well.